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    Early pension for long career

    Entitlement to early pension for long career is granted to persons who have completed 5 years of contributory service for men and 3 years of contributory service for women, exceeding that provided for in art. 42 par. (1) of the Law on public pension system no. 156/1998.

    Year of establishment




    39 years

    35 years 06 months


    39 years

    36 years


    39 years

    36 years 06 months


    39 years

    37 years

    The non-contributory periods provided for in art. 5 par. (2) and art. 50 par. (1) letters d) and e) of the Law no. 156/1998 are not taken into account when calculating the contribution period required for early pension for long career, as follows:

    - period of military service on term or reduced term;

    - period of military service under contract or other comparable service;

    - period of care of a child up to the age of 3 by a parent or guardian in case of the death of both parents;

    - period during which the insured person received indemnity for temporary incapacity for work, unemployment benefit, integration or occupational integration indemnity;

    - period of care of a severely disabled child under the age of 18 or of a severely disabled person by a parent, guardian or trustee, until employment as a personal assistant;

    - period of residency in compulsory postgraduate education;

    - periods of non-contributory service as judge and prosecutor up to December 31, 2005;

    - care of a disabled person of the first degree, a disabled child under the age of 16 or a person over the age of 75, completed before 01.01.1999;

    - study in higher education institutions on a daytime basis, completed before 01.01.1999.

    The amount of the early pension for long career is determined under the same conditions as for the retirement pension.

    The following documents shall be attached to the application for early pension for long career in original and copy:

    - applicant's identity card;

    - employment record book or other documents confirming the contribution period (extracts from the orders of employment/ dismissal, certificates);

    - marriage/divorce certificate (if applicable);

    - children's birth certificates (in the case of women);

    - extracts from the orders on granting leave for childcare or documents confirming work activity during the 3 years following the birth of the child;


    - certificate on periods of receipt of allowance for temporary work incapacity (sickness certificate) - if necessary, as recommended by the specialists of the Territorial Office of Social Insurance.


    The early pension for long career is granted from the date of application, but not earlier than 01.01.2022.

    The application for early pension for long career is submitted to the Territorial Office of Social Insurance of the applicant's place of residence.

    The granting of pension rights or the rejection of the application for retirement shall be made by a decision issued by the territorial social insurance body and signed by its head within 60 days from the date of submission of the application with all the necessary documents.

    The decision on the rejection of the application for early pension for long career and the reason for rejection shall be sent to the applicant within 5 days of the date of issue.

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