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    Monthly state allowances

    Entitlement to a monthly state allowance is for certain categories of the population among beneficiaries of state pensions or social allowances or those not receiving state pensions or social allowances.

     -  identity card;

     - document confirming entitlement to the allowance (certificates, ID cards):

     - other documents if necessary.

    The amount of the monthly state allowance is determined according to the category of beneficiaries as follows:

    1) invalids among military, intelligence and security officers, persons in the command corps and troops of internal affairs bodies and the prison administration system, whose invalidity is caused by injury, concussion or crippling during the Second World War, as well as during the performance of other military or special service duties, or is caused by ailments connected with being at the front, in partisan detachments and formations, in illegal organisations and groups during the Second World War:

    first degree - 2050 MDL;

    second degree - 1900 MDL;

    third degree - 1825 MDL;

    11) persons with disabilities among the military, intelligence and security officers, command corps and internal affairs and prison service troops, whose disability is caused by injury, concussion or crippling in the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident or is caused by conditions related to participation in the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, including persons who have been classified as disabled as a result of their participation in the clean-up of the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident and who have been sent on official business by ministries, departments, enterprises and organisations, as well as persons who have become ill with actinic disease or have been classified as disabled as a result of nuclear experiments, ionizing radiation damage and its consequences at civilian or military atomic targets during military or special service, persons unfit for work who came in 1986 from the zone of alienation and acquired citizenship of the Republic of Moldova: 

    a) with severe disabilities - 1600 MDL;

    b) with marked disabilities - 1450 MDL;

    c) with average disabilities - 1375 MDL;

    12) persons with disabilities among the military, intelligence and security officers, members of the command corps and troops of internal affairs bodies and the penitentiary administration system, whose disability is caused by injury, concussion or crippling during participation in combat actions for the defence of the territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova, in combat actions on the territory of other states or in combat actions in peacetime:

    a) with severe disabilities - 1850 MDL;

    b) with marked disabilities - 1700 MDL;

    c) with average disabilities - 1625 MDL;

    2) participants in the Second World War from military service in the army of operations, detachments and partisan formations, from members of illegal organisations and groups, former inmates of fascist concentration camps and ghettos and other places of forced detention set up by fascist Germany and its allies during the Second World War, widows of Soviet Union heroes, persons who worked as civilian employees in the army of operations during the years of the Second World War, persons who were in Leningrad (St Petersburg) during the blockade (September 8, 1941 – January 27, 1944), persons who were employed by local authorities in the collection of ammunition and military equipment, in the clearance of territory and objects during the years of the Second World War - 1750 MDL;

    3) to surviving spouses of World War II or peacetime combatants, died in line of duty, or of dead people with war disabilities - 1000 MDL. The spouse who was in a marital relationship with the fallen or, where applicable, deceased person at the time of his/her death is entitled to the monthly state allowance;

    31) to the surviving spouses of the participants in the liquidation of the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident - 1000 MDL. The spouse who was in a marital relationship with the deceased at the time of his/her death is entitled to the monthly state allowance;  

    4) children of participants in the Second World War or in peacetime combat actions, died in line of duty, or of persons disabled as a result of the war who have died, children of participants in the liquidation of the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, who have died, up to the age of 18 or after that age, if they continue their studies in educational institutions in daytime courses until the end of their studies, but at the latest until the age of 23, - 1000 MDL per person;

    5) to one of the parents of participants in peacetime combat actions or combat actions for the defence of the territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova who have died in line of duty, of servicemen who have died in line of duty or died while performing their military service in the Soviet Army or the National Army - 1000 MDL. In the case of divorcing parents, the amount determined, on request, shall be divided equally between them;

    51) to one of the parents of the participants in the liquidation of the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident deceased - 1000 MDL. In the case of divorcing parents, the amount determined, on request, shall be divided equally between them;

    6) persons decorated with orders and medals for hard work and impeccable military service behind the front in the years of World War II - 850 MDL;

    7) persons taking part in combat actions in Afghanistan, as well as in combat actions on the territories of other states, among military and civilian employees of the Soviet Army, Military Sea Fleet, state security organs, collaborators of the internal affairs organs of the former USSR; workers in these categories who were sent by the state power organs of the former USSR to other states and who took part in combat actions on their territories - 1250 MDL;

    8) military personnel on active service, reservists called up for concentration, volunteers and collaborators of internal affairs bodies, state security bodies and the penitentiary administration system, included in the staff of military units and special structures in combat positions, as well as military personnel, collaborators of internal affairs bodies, of the state security bodies and of the penitentiary administration system and civilian persons delegated to these units for the performance of special missions for the purpose of ensuring the effectiveness of combat actions for the defence of the territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova, persons trained by the Ministry of Defence in the collection of ammunition and military equipment, in the demining of the territory and objects in the period following combat actions for the defence of the territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova - 1250 MDL.

    9) rehabilitated victims of political repression from 1917-1990 - 1000 MDL;

     10) persons who participated in the liquidation of the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, persons who came in 1986 from the zone of alienation and received citizenship of the Republic of Moldova, specified in the Law No.909/1992 on social protection of citizens who suffered from the Chernobyl disaster - 1000 MDL.

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