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    Maternity allowance for insured women and wives supported by insured spouses

    Insured persons, spouses dependent on insured spouses and unemployed persons registered in medical institutions in the Republic of Moldova who are entitled to maternity leave, including prenatal and postnatal leave, receive maternity indemnity. The wife shall be deemed to be a dependant of the insured husband if, at the time of granting maternity leave, she is not employed or is not a person insured against the risk in question.

    Maternity indemnity is granted in full at the 30th week of pregnancy, for a period of 126 calendar days, and in the case of complicated births or the birth of two children - for 140 calendar days. In the case of pregnancies with 3 or more children, maternity indemnity is granted at 24 weeks of pregnancy for 182 calendar days.    

    Insured women are entitled to maternity indemnity regardless of the length of their insurance period.

    Unemployed women entitled to unemployment benefit are entitled to maternity indemnity regardless of the length of their insurance period. Maternity indemnity is established on condition that unemployment benefit is suspended for this period.

    The insured person's entitlement to maternity indemnity is established regardless of the insured income for the period of maternity leave.

    The spouse dependent on the insured spouse is entitled to maternity indemnity if the spouse confirms a total insurance period of at least 3 years or at least 9 months in the 24 months preceding the date of the insured risk.


    If the maternity leave began during unpaid leave, during the suspension of the individual employment contract and other service contracts, during the period when the insured person is on leave for childcare from 3 to 4 years of age or for other reasons of absence from work provided for in the Labour Code, the indemnity shall be established with effect from the date on which the insured person's/the insured woman's/the insured woman's spouse's dependant’s spouse was due to return to work.


    The establishment of maternity allowance is carried out by the National Office of Social Insurance based on information from the maternity medical certificate transmitted by medical service providers through secure intersystem connections.

    For maternity leaves granted before 01.10.2022, as well as for additional maternity leaves granted in the case of complicated births, which is an extension of the 126-day maternity leave granted earlier, the maternity allowance will be requested at the territorial office of social insurance at the place of residence or at the territorial office serving the employer, at the applicant's choice, where subsequently the allowance for child raising/care will be requested, presenting the following documents:

    1. For insured women, the following documents must be presented:

    a) Original medical leave certificate;      

    b) Identity card (original and copy).

    2. For wives supported by insured spouses, the following documents must be presented:

    a) Original medical leave certificate;

    b) Identity cards of both wife and husband (original and copy);

    c) Marriage certificate (original and copy);

    d) Written declaration from the wife, stating on her own responsibility that she is not employed, does not generate insured income and is not insured for the respective risk.

    3. For unemployed women, the following documents must be presented:

    a) Original medical leave certificate;

    b) Identity card of the unemployed woman (original and copy).


    The information from the medical certificate for determining the maternity allowance transmitted to the National Office of Social Insurance will be examined within 15 calendar days from the date of reception. In case the information necessary for determining the allowance is incorrect/incomplete, or if there is a lack of certain data, the examination period extends to 45 calendar days from the date of receiving the information from the medical certificate.


    The monthly amount of maternity allowance is 100% of the calculation base. The calculation base for the maternity allowance consists of the insured average monthly income earned in the last 12 calendar months preceding the month of the insured risk (maternity). This income, at the time of determining the maternity allowance, includes the calculated and paid social insurance contributions.

    Starting from March 1, 2023, the maternity allowance is calculated based on the insured income of one of the insured spouses, which will result in a higher amount of maternity allowance.

    The calculation base for maternity allowance for wives supported by insured spouses consists of the insured husband's average monthly income earned in the last 12 calendar months preceding the month of the insured risk (maternity). This income, at the time of determining the maternity allowance, includes the calculated and paid social insurance contributions.

    The calculation base for maternity allowance for unemployed women is the amount of the current unemployment benefit at the date of the insured risk (maternity).


    The insured income for the months included in the calculation for determining the maternity allowance cannot exceed the sum of 5 times the forecasted average monthly salary in the economy for that respective year, multiplied by 12 or the number of months in which the person earned insured income. If the calculation includes an incomplete calendar year, the insured income is capped based on the number of months in which the insured income was earned for that year. The forecasted average monthly salary in the economy is approved by the Government.


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