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    Paternal indemnity

    1.  Conditions for establishing the paternal indemnity:

    - the father of the new born child confirms a total period of insurance of at least 3 years or at least 9 months during the 24 months preceding the date of birth of the child;

     - the father of the new born child has been granted, on request, paternal leave in all the establishments in which he is employed during the first 12 months following the date of the child's birth;

     - the father of the new born child has applied for paternal indemnity to be established within 12 months of the child's birth;

    - the father of the new born child had an insured income in the last 3 months before the month of the child's birth.

    2.  Conditions for establishing the paternal indemnity for the father of the adopted child:

    - the father of the adopted child confirms a total period of at least 3 years or at least 9 months of insurance completed in the 24 months preceding the date of adoption;

    - the father of the adopted child has been granted, on request, paternal leave in all the establishments in which he is employed during the first 12 months following the date of the adoption;

    - the father of the adopted child has requested the establishment of the paternal indemnity within 12 months of the date of the adoption;

    - the father of the adopted child has had an assured income in the last 3 months preceding the month of the child's adoption.

    3. Conditions for establishing the paternal indemnity for self-employed father working in the justice sector:

    - the self-employed father working in the justice sector confirms a total period of at least 3 years or at least 9 months of insurance completed in the 24 months preceding the date of the adoption;

    - the paternal indemnity is established from the date of the child's birth for a period of 15 calendar days without the condition of being on paternal leave;

    - the father of the new born child has applied for paternal indemnity to be established within 12 months from the date of the child's birth;

    - the father of the new born child has paid the fixed rate of compulsory state social insurance contributions, established as of January 1, 2021, for at least one month in the last 3 calendar months preceding the month of the child's birth.

    4. Conditions for establishing the paternal indemnity for a self-employed father working in the justice sector who has adopted a child:

    - the self-employed father working in the justice sector who has adopted a child confirms a total period of at least 3 years or at least 9 months of insurance completed in the 24 months preceding the date of the adoption

    - the paternal indemnity is established for a period of 15 calendar days from the date of the child's adoption, without the condition of being on paternal leave;

    - the father of the adopted child has requested the establishment of the paternal indemnity within 12 months from the date of the adoption;

    - the father of the adopted child has paid the fixed rate of compulsory state social security contributions, established as of January 1, 2021, for at least one month in the last 3 calendar months preceding the month of the child's adoption.

    Paternal indemnity is granted for a period of up to 15 calendar days. Paternal indemnity may be granted in full or divided into up to 3 instalments, each of which must be for at least 5 calendar days.

    In the case of twins (triplets, quadruplets, etc.), only one paternal indemnity is granted.

    The application for establishing paternity allowance is personally submitted by the father or mother of the child, with the presentation of supporting documents, to the territorial office of social insurance at the place of residence or domicile or to the territorial office serving the main workplace, or electronically through the government portal for public services (www.servicii.gov.md) or the official website of the National Office of Social Insurance (cnas.gov.md).



    a) Identity card of the applicant (original and copy);

    b) Birth certificate of the child, registered with the competent subdivision of the Public Services Agency;

    c) If applicable, the extract from the order granting paternity leave, in the original, issued by all entities where activities are carried out.


    d) Court decision approving the adoption (original and copy).



    Online submission of the paternity allowance application can be done here.

    The deadline for applying for paternity allowance is 12 months from the date of the child's birth or adoption approval.

    The application for establishing paternity allowance and the required documents are examined within 30 calendar days from the date of registration of the application at the territorial office; in the case of electronic applications, from the date of registration in the information system.


    If the deadline for submitting documents is exceeded, the territorial office refuses to establish the paternity allowance. In this case, within 10 calendar days from the decision to refuse, the applicant is informed of the reason for the refusal.









    The amount of the paternity allowance is 100% of the average monthly insured income realized at all entities where activities are carried out in the last 3 months preceding the month of the child's birth (income from which social insurance contributions have been calculated and paid). It is determined by dividing the insured income realized at all entities where activities are carried out by the number of months in which it was realized in the last 3 calendar months preceding the month of the child's birth.

    The insured income for a calendar day is determined by dividing the average monthly insured income by the number of calendar days in the month for which the allowance is paid.


    The amount of the paternity allowance is determined proportionally to the actual number of paternity leave days taken by the father of the child.



    The payment of the paternity allowance is made for each fraction of paternity leave taken by the father of the child.

    The payment of the paternity allowance is made through the payment method selected by the beneficiary and available in the governmental electronic payment service (MPay). The record of the paternity allowance payment is managed by the National Office of Social Insurance.

    Amounts of paternity allowances determined and not received by the beneficiary for 12 consecutive months are suspended and paid retroactively for a period not exceeding 3 years preceding the month of application, but not earlier than the month of suspension, based on the application submitted by the beneficiary or the representative designated by power of attorney and the identification document of the applicant.


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