The life certificate is considered valid if it is signed by the beneficiary, authenticated by the competent institution/authority, local public administration authority, a public notary or by the diplomatic mission/consular office of the Republic of Moldova on the territory of the state of domicile/residence , as well as sent in original by the applicant or through the competent institution. The life certificate sent in copy through the competent institution of the other contracting state is considered valid.
The pension is paid from the date of fulfillment of the conditions for a period of 12 months from the month of submission of the application or presentation of the life certificate, at the end of which the beneficiary has the obligation to personally present or send the original Life Certificate to the NOSI’s address, filling in the form agreed between parties, every 12 months from the date of its signing and authentication, if the agreement does not state otherwise. If the form is missing, a life certificate must be completed, according to Annex no. 10 of the Instruction regarding the application of international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of Moldova is a party. If the beneficiary does not present or submit the life certificate according to the provisions established in the Instruction, the pension payment is suspended starting from the month following the month in which the 12 months expire, if the agreement does not provide otherwise, subsequently upon its presentation, payment resumes from the date of suspension.
In the event that the beneficiary of the social benefit granted by the competent institution of the other state has his domicile/residence on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and is obliged to submit the Life certificate to the institution making the payment, upon his request, NOSI’s/TOSI’s specialists certify that it has been signed by the beneficiary.