Energy compensation in the form of a monetary payment

Energy compensation in the form of a monetary payment established in accordance with the Regulation on the assignment of energy vulnerability categories and the procedure for the establishment and payment of compensation for the payment of energy bills and energy compensation in the form of a monetary payment, approved by Government Decision no. 704/2022 in the amount of 800 MDL per month shall be paid for the previous month.

Energy compensation in the form of a monetary payment is paid to the beneficiary or to another person on the basis of a power of attorney from the holder, authenticated in accordance with the law.

Energy compensation in the form of a monetary payment, not received in connection with the death of the applicant, shall be determined and paid, including for the month of death, on the basis of the permission issued by the territorial social assistance structure, to an adult member of the family or, in the absence of such a member, to the person who proves that he/she has borne the expenses arising from the death.”

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