Sanatorium treatment tickets for persons with war disabilities

In accordance with the Regulation on the conditions, insurance, record-keeping and distribution of sanatorium treatment tickets granted to veterans approved by Government Decision no. 190/2010, the National Office of Social Insurance (NOSI) carries out public procurement procedures for the purchase of sanatorium treatment services in accordance with the provisions of the Law no. 131/2015 on public procurement.

In order to implement the provisions of the Law on the Annual State Social Insurance Budget, which provides that the organization of health recovery through sanatorium treatment of beneficiaries of entitlements under the public social insurance system in accordance with the Law no. 190/2003 on veterans, is carried out by the NOSI, which annually concludes contracts for the purchase of tickets for balneo-sanatorium treatment with service providing institutions.

Once the contracts have been concluded, the NOSI distributes the sanatorium treatment tickets to the Territorial Offices of Social Insurance (TOSI). TOSI/NOSI issue free sanatorium treatment tickets to persons with war disabilities each year.

Persons with war disabilities shall apply to the TOSI of their place of residence for a sanatorium treatment ticket, and persons with war disabilities among the power institutions whose identity and quality fall under the conditions of the Law no. 245/2008 on state secrecy shall apply to the NOSI.

Persons who have pneumofibrosis as a consequence of COVID-19 in the first 9 months after the disease, according to the reference-statement (Form no. 027/e) of the Inpatient Medical Record (Form no. 003/e-2012) or Outpatient Medical Record (Form no. 025/e), are entitled to a balneo-sanatorium treatment ticket, regardless of whether they have previously received a ticket in the prescribed manner.

The following documents must be submitted with the application:

a) the original and a copy of the identity card confirming the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova;

b) the original and a copy of the veteran's or war participant's identity card;

c) the original of the certificate of receipt of the treatment ticket (Form no. 070/e, Form no. 027/e, Form no. 003/e-2012 or Form no. 025/e);

d) where applicable, the original and a copy of the first and last pages of the employment record book containing the entries;

e) the original and a copy of the certificate concerning the degree of disability.

At the same time, persons with severe war disabilities who, according to the conclusion of the National Council for Determination of Disability and Work Capacity or its territorial structures, require permanent help from another person, are entitled to an accompanying person.

To receive a free sanatorium treatment ticket, the companion of the person with severe war disabilities, shall submit to the TOSI of the place of residence of the person with severe war disabilities, an application with submission of the following documents:

a) the original and a copy of the identity card confirming the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova;

b) the original of the certificate of receipt of the treatment ticket (Form no. 070/e);

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