Suport financiar de stat

Category 1

According to the Law no. 909-XII of January 30, 1992 on the social protection of citizens who suffered from the Chernobyl accident, as of July 1, 2014, state financial support in the amount of 180 MDL is granted monthly to pension beneficiaries whose pension does not exceed 1500 MDL.

Category 2

According to the Law on pension insurance for military staff and members of the command corps and troops of the internal affairs bodies no. 1544-XII of June 23, 1993, as of July 1, 2014, monthly state financial support in the amount of 180 MDL is granted to pension beneficiaries whose pension does not exceed 1500 MDL.

Category 3

As of July 1, 2014, monthly state financial support is granted to some beneficiaries of pensions established under the Law no. 156-XIV of October 14, 1998 on state social security pensions, the amount of which does not exceed 1500 MDL, depending on the category of pension beneficiaries, as follows:

    1) beneficiaries of full retirement pensions - 180 MDL;

    2) beneficiaries of incomplete old-age pensions - 100 MDL;

    3) beneficiaries of invalidity pensions:

    a) first degree - 180 MDL

    b) second degree - 120 MDL;

    c) third degree - 100 MDL;

    4) beneficiaries of survivor pensions - 100 MDL for each survivor;

    5) beneficiaries of pensions established for certain categories of citizens according to Chap. VI of the said law - 180 MDL.

Category 4

 As of July 1, 2014, monthly state financial support is granted to beneficiaries of state social allowances established under the Law no. 499-XIV of July 14, 1999 on state social allowances for certain categories of citizens, with the exception of the allowance for care, support and supervision and the death aid, as follows:

    1) beneficiaries of state social allowances among persons with disabilities, persons with disabilities from childhood and children with disabilities up to the age of 18:

    a) with severe disabilities - 180 MDL;

    b) with marked disabilities - 120 MDL;

    c) with average disabilities - 100 MDL;

    2) beneficiaries of state social allowances among the elderly - 100 MDL;


    3) beneficiaries of state social allowances among children who have lost their breadwinner - 100 MDL for each child. In the case of loss of both parents, the amount of state financial support is doubled.





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