Balneo-sanatorium treatment tickets for insured persons

In accordance with the Regulation on benefits in the public social insurance system for the prevention of illness and recovery of working capacity of insured persons through balneo-sanatorium treatment approved by Government Decision no. 290/2010, the National Office of Social Insurance (NOSI) carries out public procurement procedures for the purchase of sanatorium treatment services in accordance with the provisions of the Law no. 131/2015 on public procurement.

In order to implement the provisions of the Law on the Annual State Social Insurance Budget, which provides that the organization of health recovery through balneo-sanatorium treatment of beneficiaries of entitlements under the public social insurance system in accordance with Law no. 489/1999 on the public social insurance system and Law no. 289/2004 on allowances for temporary work incapacity and other social insurance benefits, is carried out by the NOSI, which annually concludes contracts for the purchase of balneo-sanatorium treatment tickets with service providing institutions.

After concluding the contracts, the NOSI distributes the balneo-sanatorium treatment tickets to the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), for entities where there is a primary trade union organization, and to the Territorial Offices of Social Insurance (TOSI), for entities where there is no primary trade union organization.

- The CNSM distributes the balneo-sanatorium treatment tickets to the National Trade Union Centres (CSNR), which in turn distribute them to the trade union organisations. The trade union organisations distribute the balneo-sanatorium tickets to the entities free of charge. The entity issues the tickets to insured persons working at their main place of work - every three years, on the basis of a decision to allocate the tickets, signed by members of a committee, regardless of whether the insured persons are trade union members or not.

TOSI distributes, free of charge, the balneo-sanatorium treatment tickets to the entities. The entity issues the tickets to insured persons working at their basic place of work - every three years, on the basis of a decision to allocate the ticket, signed by members of a committee.

When distributing tickets, priority is given to insured persons who have pneumofibrosis as a consequence of COVID-19 in the first months after the illness, have suffered a work accident or are affected by an occupational disease, persons with disabilities, employed persons, blood donors, persons who have been subjected to repression and subsequently rehabilitated, persons who have suffered an exceptional accident, mothers with many children.

Persons who have pneumofibrosis as a consequence of COVID-19 in the first 9 months after the disease, according to the reference-statement (Form no. 027/e) of the Inpatient Medical Record (Form no. 003/e-2012) or Outpatient Medical Record (Form no. 025/e), are entitled to a balneo-sanatorium treatment ticket, regardless of whether they have previously received a ticket in the prescribed manner.

To receive a balneo-sanatorium treatment ticket, insured persons shall submit an application to their basic place of work, enclosing a certificate of receipt of the treatment ticket (Form no. 070/e, where applicable, Form no. 027/e, Form no. 003/e-2012 or Form no. 025/e), in original. 

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