Pensions and other social security benefits

 *In the case of granting the old-age pension based on the provisions of the international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of Moldova is part of, it is necessary for the applicant to submit an application to the NOSI or to the competent institution of the other contracting state, presenting the following documents in original and a copy of them :

-the identity document issued on the territory of one of the contracting states

-work card

-diploma of higher studies at the day section obtained until 01.01.1999, (if applicable);

-the bachelor's degree or the certificate regarding the completion of post-graduate residency studies, (if applicable);

- the military record book, (if applicable);

- the marriage certificate, (if applicable);

- the statement of birth/birth certificate of the child, (if applicable);

- the certificate of reorganization/renaming of the organizations, (if applicable);

- the certificate of change of name, first name, (as the case may be);

- other documents confirming the contribution period, according to point 70 of the Regulation on the method of calculating pensions and the method of confirming the contribution period for the establishment of pensions, approved by the Government Decision no. 165/2017;

- the declaration on personal responsibility that the applicant does not receive any social benefits on the territory of other third countries, according to Annex no. 9 of the Instruction regarding the application of international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of Moldova is part of;

 - the declaration of consent regarding the transmission of personal data to the social insurance institution on the left bank of the Dniester river, which operates outside the legal field of the Republic of Moldova (if applicable);

- bank details according to international rules (IBAN, SWIFT CODE), indicating the name and address of the bank, the bank's branch, as well as the currency in which the transfer is to be made;

- proxy, (if applicable).

* In the case of granting the disability pension based on the provisions of international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of Moldova is part of,  it is necessary for the applicant to submit an application to the NOSI or to the competent institution of the other contracting state, presenting the following documents in original and a copy of them:

- the identity document issued on the territory of one of the contracting states;

- work card;

- the diploma of higher studies at the day section obtained until 01.01.1999, (if applicable);

- the bachelor's degree or the certificate regarding the completion of post-graduate residency studies (if applicable);

- the military record book, (if applicable);

- the marriage certificate, (if applicable);

- the certificate/birth certificate of the child, (if applicable);

- the certificate of reorganization/renaming of the organizations, (if applicable);

- the certificate of change of name, first name, (if applicable );

- other documents confirming the contribution period, according to point 70 of the Regulation on the method of calculating pensions and the method of confirming the contribution period for the establishment of pensions, approved by the Government Decision no. 165/2017;

- the declaration on personal responsibility that the applicant does not receive any social benefits on the territory of other third countries, according to Annex no. 9 (if applicable), to the Instruction regarding the application of international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of Moldova is part of;

- the declaration of consent regarding the transmission of personal data to the social insurance institution on the left bank of the Dniester river, which operates outside the legal field of the Republic of Moldova (if applicable);

- banking details according to international rules (IBAN, SWIFT CODE), indicating the name and address of the bank, the bank's branch, as well as the currency in which the transfer is to be made;

- proxy (if applicable).

* In the case of granting the survivor's pension based on the provisions of the international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of  Moldova is part of , it is mandatory  for the applicant to submit an application to the NOSI or to the competent institution of the other contracting state, presenting the following documents in original and a copy of them:

- the identity document issued on the territory of one of the contracting states;

- the work book of the deceased breadwinner;

- other documents confirming the contribution period of the deceased breadwinner, according to point 70 of the Regulation on the method of calculating pensions and the method of confirming the contribution period for the establishment of pensions, approved by Government Decision no. 165/2017;

- the diploma of higher studies at the day section obtained until 01.01.1999 of the deceased breadwinner (if applicable);

- the bachelor's degree or the certificate regarding the completion of post-graduate residency studies of the deceased breadwinner (if applicable);

- the military record book of the deceased breadwinner (if applicable);

- the marriage certificate (if applicable);

- the certificate/statement of birth of the child (if applicable);

- the reorganization/renaming certificate of the company (if applicable);

- certificate of change of name, first name (if applicable);

- death certificate;

- the education certificate of children between the ages of 18 and 23 (if applicable);

- the certificate confirming that the husband (wife) or the guardian does not work and takes care of the children of the deceased breadwinner, who have not reached the age of three years ;

- the certificate confirming that the surviving husband/(wife) has not remarried (if applicable);

- the declaration on personal responsibility that the applicant does not receive any from social benefits on the territory of other third countries, according Annex no. 9 (if applicable), to the Instruction regarding the application of international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of Moldova is part of;

- the declaration of consent regarding the transmission of personal data to the social insurance institution on the left bank of the Dniester river, which operates outside of  the legal field of the Republic of Moldova (as the case may be);

- banking details according to international rules (IBAN, SWIFT CODE), indicating the name and address of the bank, the bank's branch, as well as the currency in which the transfer is to be made;

- proxy (if applicable).

* In the case of granting the pension and disability indemnities due to a work accident or caused by occupational disease based on the provisions of international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of Moldova is part of, it is necessary for the applicant to submit an application to NOSI or to the competent institution of to the other contracting state, presenting the following documents in original and a copy of them:

- the identity document issued on the territory of one of the contracting states;

- work card;

- the diploma of higher studies at the day section obtained until 01.01.1999, (if applicable);

- the bachelor's degree or the certificate regarding the completion of post-graduate residency studies, (as the case may be);

- the military record book, (if applicable);

- the marriage certificate, (if applicable);

- the certificate/statement of the child's birth, (if applicable);

- the certificate of reorganization/renaming of the company, (if applicable);

- the certificate of change of name, first name, (if applicable);

- the spine of the disability classification certificate;

- the protocol of the meeting regarding the work accident investigation;

- the declaration on personal responsibility that the applicant does not receive any  social benefits on the territory of other third countries, according to  Annex no. 9 (if applicable), to the Instruction regarding the application of international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of Moldova is part of;

- the declaration of consent regarding the transmission of personal data to the social insurance institution on the left bank of the Dniester river, which operates outside the legal field of the Republic of Moldova (as the case may be);

- banking details according to international rules (IBAN, SWIFT CODE), indicating the name and address of the bank, the bank ‘s  branch, as well as the currency in which the transfer is to be made.

* In case of granting unemployment benefits based on the provisions of international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of Moldova is part of, it is necessary for the applicant to submit an application to the NOSI or to the competent institution of the other contracting state, presenting the following documents in original and a copy of them:

- the identity document issued on the territory of one of the contracting states;

- the birth certificate of the dependent child up to 14 years old (if applicable);

- the declaration of consent regarding the transmission of personal data to the social insurance institution on the left bank of the Dniester, which operates outside the legal field of the Republic of Moldova (if applicable);

- bank details according to international rules (IBAN, SWIFT CODE), indicating the name and the address of the bank, the bank ‘s  branch, as well as the currency in which the transfer is to be made.

* In case of granting death benefits based on the provisions of international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of Moldova is part of, it is mandatory  for the applicant to submit an application to the NOSI or to the competent institution of the other contracting state, presenting the following documents in original and copy:

- the identity document issued on the territory of one of the contracting states;

- the act of registration of death;

- civil status documents of the applicant, showing the degree of kinship with the deceased (if applicable),

- copy of the documents proving the expenses caused by the death (as the case may be);

- the declaration of consent regarding the transmission of personal data to the social insurance institution on the left bank of the Dniester river, which operates outside the legal field of the Republic of Moldova (as the case may be);

- banking details according to international rules (IBAN, SWIFT CODE), indicating the name and address of the bank, the bank’s  branch, as well as the currency in which the transfer is to be made.

* In the case of granting the maternity indemnity based on the provisions of the international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of Moldova is a part of, it is necessary for the applicant to submit an application to the CNAS or to the competent institution of the other contracting state, presenting the following documents in original and a copy of them:

1) in case of insured women:

- medical leave certificate in original;

- the identity document valid at the time of submitting the application issued on the territory of one of the contracting states;

- the declaration of consent regarding the transmission of personal data to the social insurance institution on the left bank  of the Dniester river, which operates outside the legal field of the Republic of Moldova (as the case may be);

- banking details according to international rules (IBAN, SWIFT CODE), indicating the name and address of the bank, the bank’s branch, as well as the currency in which the transfer is to be made.

2) in the case of wives dependent on insured husbands:

- medical leave certificate in original;

- the identity document of the wife and husband issued on the territory of one of the contracting states;

- the marriage certificate (original and copy);

- the wife's written declaration, on her own responsibility, in the original, that she is not employed, does not have an insured income and is not insured against the respective risk;

- the declaration of consent regarding the transmission of personal data to the social insurance institution on the left bank of the Dniester river, which operates outside the legal field of the Republic of Moldova (as the case may be);

- banking details according to international rules (IBAN, SWIFT CODE), with the indication (name of the bank, bank’s branch, address of the bank), as well as the currency in which the transfer is to be made.

* In the case of granting the monthly indemnity for raising the child up to the age of  3 years old based on the provisions of the international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of Moldova is a party, it is necessary for the applicant to submit an application to the NOSI or to the competent institution of the other contracting state , presenting the following documents in original and a copy of them:

- the identity document issued on the territory of one of the contracting states;

- the child's birth certificate, as the case may be, the birth certificate of the preceding/ prewalking child;

 - the extract from the order granting leave for child care until the child reaches the age of 3 (in original) from all the units where they carry out activities (as applicable);

- the declaration of consent regarding the transmission of personal data to the social insurance institution on the left bank of the Dniester river , which operates outside the legal field of the Republic of Moldova (as the case may be);

- banking details according to international rules (IBAN, SWIFT CODE), with the indication (name of the bank, bank’s branch, address of the bank), as well as the currency in which the transfer will be made

* In the case of granting the indemnity for temporary incapacity for work based on the provisions of the international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of Moldova is part of, it is necessary for the applicant to submit an application to the NOSI or to the competent institution of the other contracting state, presenting the following original documents and a copy of them:

 - the identity document issued on the territory of one of the contracting states;

- the declaration of consent regarding the transmission of personal data to the social insurance institution on the left bank of the Dniester river, which operates outside the legal field of the Republic of Moldova (as the case may be);

- banking details according to international rules (IBAN, SWIFT CODE), with the indication (name of the bank, bank’s branch, address of the bank), as well as the currency in which the transfer is to be made.

 * Requests relating to the benefit/non-benefit of social benefits in the state public social insurance system are sent through the competent institution to the NOSI’s address, with the attachment of the necessary documents. At the same time, in the case of applications submitted personally by the insured person/representative appointed by power of proxy, Annex no. 8, to the Instruction regarding the application of international agreements in the field of social security to which the Republic of Moldova is part of. The following documents have to be attached to the application:

- copy of the identity document issued on the territory of one of the contracting states,

 - copy of the notarized power of attorney/status of the entitled person, (if applicable).


















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