General directorate of budgetary planning

Name, first name 



Mantaluța Zinaida

Budeştean Ludmila

Head of General directorate

Deputy head of General directorate

The main functions of the General directorate are:

1)   the elaboration and presentation of the specialized CPA (Central Public Authorities) in the field of social protection of the forecasts of the state social insurance budget for the elaboration of the medium-term budgetary framework;

2)   the organization and coordination of the drafting process of the annual state social insurance budget law, and, in case of necessity, of proposals to amend the budget law, in accordance with the normative framework and internal regulations;

3)    the ensuring of the process of planning the expenses for the administration of the social insurance system;

4)  the participation to the promotion of the draft law of the annual state social insurance budget;

5)   the monitoring and analysis of the execution of the state social insurance budget;

6)   the analysis of the execution of the estimated expenditures for the maintenance of the NOSI and the estimated expenditures for the maintenance and development of the "Social Protection" Information System and other informational components;

7)   the totalization and analysis of statistical data regarding the categories of beneficiaries of social benefits;

8)   the preparing and presenting the annual report on the execution of the state social insurance budget (narrative description) and ensuring its publication, participating in the drawing up of periodic reports on the execution of the budget, including on the performance of the sub- programs of the state social insurance budget and the drawing up of periodic reports on the fulfillment of the contingent plan;

9)  the maintaining and consolidating the financial and budgetary management of the institution.


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